ActionSportGames och Cyberguns samarbete i EU-parlamentet

ActionSportGames och Cybergun

I samband med Europaparlamentets utkast om skärpt vapenlagstiftning i slutet av förra året, inledde konkurrenterna ActionSportGames (ASG) och Cybergun ett samarbete för att försöka påverka och därmed rädda airsofthobbyn och givetvis sitt levebröd.

Även European Airsoft Association har varit aktiva att lobba i EU-parlamentet och allt intensiva arbete ledde nyligen till att airsoftvapen föreslås undantas från termen ”Firearm” i det slutgiltiga förslaget.

ASG och Cybergun kommer dock att fortsätta påverka till även luftvapen (airguns) är exkluderade.

Vad som framgår i deras gemensamma pressmeddelande så är det bara ASG och Cybergun från airsoftindustrin i Europa som är och har varit aktiva i detta att rädda airsoftvapen.

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Joint Status Report from ActionSportGames A/S (ASG) and Cybergun regarding the proposal for amendments of the EU firearms directive:

As promised, we will keep you informed of the ongoing discussions in Brussels on the European directive that threatens the future of airsoft and airgun devices.

As informed in the beginning of this year, the European Commission on November 18th, 2015, released a proposal with the primary objective to better regulate the acquisition and possession of firearms in Europe. Unfortunately for all airsoft players and airgun device users, our practice, sport and hobby was a collateral damage of this proposal, since it proposes that replica firearms are categorized in category C (purchase and possession subject to registration). Such a change – if it were to be approved and applied – would be the end of the practice of airsoft and airgun devices as we know it today. This is unreasonable and therefore ASG and Cybergun – despite being both rivals and competitors – have decided to work together to take strong actions both in Brussels and in Member States to make our voices heard and defend our passion.

From our first meetings in Brussels back in January it was obvious that very few members of the EU parliament were aware of the existence of airsoft and airgun devices. It became clear very soon that in trying to regulate the acquisition and possession of what they refer to as ”replica firearms”, the members of the Commission wanted above all to address the de-activated firearms that could have been again re-activated. Obviously airsoft and airgun devices have absolutely nothing to do with such de-activated firearms!

We spent the first phase of discussions on the proposal to meet representatives of the Commission, Members of Parliament and the Council to explain who we are, what we are doing and that obviously owners of airsoft and airgun devices pose no threats to the European society. This was indeed a challenging task, but we believe that we have succeeded in increasing the awareness in Brussels about airsoft and airgun devices and the related sports. In addition it seems that the politicians we have met now have a better understanding of the passion that drives the airsoft and airgun community within Europe.

We therefore consider that our initial actions have been successful. Whether we are talking about the Commission, Council or Parliament, the actors we have met and who actually have power to influence the text have heard our arguments and are – for some – ready to exclude airsoft devices from the text. At this stage we have several draft documents that go in the right direction and in particular the contributions of the Council of the European Union and the main rapporteur on the subject, Vicky FORD. These texts are not perfect but we keep on proposing improvements to the different draft documents.

The airsoft devices seem to be on track to be excluded from this text, and we must now work equally hard in order to exclude the airgun devices too. Our interlocutors’ lack of technical insight of the subject matter sometimes makes it hard to discuss the important details, which are a deciding factor in the text. It is now up to us to offer them the right ”wording” and explain why they should hear the approach we propose and exclude both airsoft devices and airgun devices from the scope of the directive.

We remain fully motivated to continue our strong efforts and to make our voices heard in Brussels. We will fight until the very last minute in order to have our beloved hobby and sport excluded from the text. The fight does not stop until the final decision- the vote in Parliament – has been taken and at that time – and only at that time only – we can hopefully declare “victory”. It is too early for now.

ASG and CYBERGUN will move forward on this matter shoulder by shoulder, with the sole purpose to save our practice and it seems we are the only two airsoft/airgun companies within Europe, who actively try to influence the process within the European institutions in Brussels. But for us the future is priceless.

We will keep you informed of the situation, especially during the various votes that will happen very soon.

Christian Trolle ANDERSEN (For ASG)
