Tillverkaren Mancraft utslagna av regnovädret Boris

Den polska tillverkaren Mancraft har drabbats hårt av regnovädret Boris som dragit fram genom flera Centraleuropeiska länder.
Deras lokaler i den polska staden Głuchołazy, nära gränsen till Tjeckien, svämmade över vid det kraftiga regnovädrets framfart vilket resulterat i att bland annat tillverkningsutrustning så väl som färdiga produkter behöver kasseras.
Nu håller de på att röja upp i lokalen och sanera så att produktionen kan komma igång igen.
För att hjälpa dem ekonomiskt har de startat en crowdfunding-insamling där de efterlyser 250 000 zł (~665 000 SEK).
Bilden ovan visar del av förödelsen och fler bilder såväl som videor finns i deras olika kanaler.
- Crowdfunding-sida: https://zrzutka.pl/g65w97
- Hemsida: https://shop-mancraft.com/
Nedanstående text hämtad från deras crowdfunding-sida:
A difficult time has come for us, full of challenges and work, so we turn to you with a big request. We hope that Mancraft Team is more than just a slogan, we believe in the airsoft community and the spirit that is in it.
As some of you know, the town where our company is located was hit by an unimaginable tragedy: THE BIGGEST FLOOD IN OUR HISTORY. Its scale was unpredictable: no one expected it to bring such losses and in such a short time. In just a few hours, a large part of the city was destroyed. A huge wave flowed through Głuchołazy in a mad current, carrying everything it encountered in its path. The element also affected our company. At the moment, we are cleaning the production halls from mud, dirt and rubbish, but we already estimate that the losses are huge. All equipment, machines, electronics, all work stations, finished parts and components were destroyed. The biggest challenge at the moment is CLEANING, DISINFECTION and DRYING of the HALLS. Everything in them has been contaminated and must be thrown away, also for epidemiological reasons. It is a laborious process, but above all expensive. However, it is necessary to ever be able to restart the machines and resume production. With your support, this will be possible.
For twelve long years, we have made every effort to build for you a reliable, trustworthy brand with the highest quality products. We believe that we have managed to gain your trust and you know that we will rebuild just as consistently after this tragedy. However, today, when we have lost everything, we ask for your support.
The biggest fight is ahead of us, we believe that our #MancraftTeam will help us win it.
(Källa: https://zrzutka.pl/g65w97)