SHOT Show 2020 Calendar

Meeting calendar for at SHOT Show 2020

A day is between 8:30(AM) to 17:30 (5:30PM).

** We will only be at the exhibition between Tuesday and Thursday, so not on Friday **

A normal slot/meeting time for us is around 30 min to 1h.

To make an appointment, please send an email to and suggest 2-3 possible times.

Please avoid meeting times before 09:00 in the morning (because of the potential traffic delays).

Tuesday 21/1 Wednesday 22/1 Thursday 23/1 Friday 24/1
08:30  please avoid  please avoid  please avoid  X
09:00  please avoid  please avoid  please avoid  X
09:30  please avoid  please avoid  please avoid  X
10:00  ?  X L2-H1  X
10:30  ?  X L2-H1  X
11:00  ?  X  X
11:30  ?  X  X
12:00  Lunchtime? Lunchtime? Lunchtime?  X
12:30  ?  X ?  X
13:00  X L1-H1  X
13:30  X L1-H1  X
14:00  X L1-H1  X
14:30  X L1-H1  X
15:00  X L1-H2  X
15:30  X L1-H2  X
16:00  X
16:30  *End of day*
17:30 *End of day* *End of day* *End of day*

L1-H1 = Level 1 Hall 1 (the large)
L1-H2 = Level 1 Hall 2 (any of the smaller)

L2-H1 = Level 2 Hall 1 (the large)
L2-H2 = Level 2 Hall 2 (any of the smaller)

X = Busy time
? = maybe a busy time.