SmartAsh 4A by ShootMyAsh
ShootMyAsh is a company in USA and they are manufacturing so-called smart targets for airsoft guns and have tested their target SmartAsh 4A. SMART stands for Solid Motion Alternative Reactive Targets.
The construction SmartAsh 4A consists mostly of Hickory woods, but when the ShootMyAsh started they used Ash wood and the name have stayed. The manufacturing is in ShootMyAsh’s factory in Pennsylvania.
Läs recensionen av ShootMyAsh SmartAsh 4A på Svenska (the original review)
Contents of the package
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The SmartAsh 4A is delivered in a paperboard box. In the box you will find the target unit, two AAA batteries (mounted from the factory), manual, USB micro transceiver (attached on the target), an USB 2.0 extender cable 4.5 meters, four Zinc Plated Eye Bolts with nuts and two Bungee cords.
Appearance and functions
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The front of the SmartAsh 4A consists of four individual targets. Every target plates have an orange target point (there are several colors avaible, but we got the orange color). Every plate have between one and four black dots so you can see which who is who. The outmost surface on the targets consists of plaxiglass sheets to protect the wood. Each target with plexiglass sheet is screwed tight. The plexiglass sheets are very glossy so you can see the roof of the area when these pictures are taken. Each plexiglass sheet have beveled edges on the top.
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On the back you find the power button to start the targets four sensors and transmitter. On a large label you can for example read that this unit was made in May 2012. On the opposite corner there is a beauty failure on the baseplate who have occur during the manufacturing. The four screws holding the circuit board on the other side.
On the sides
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On the bottom and on the top there are holes for attach the Zinc Plated Eye Bolts as the Bungee cords attaches to. On the bottom there is a hole there the USB micro transceiver is stored when the unit not in use.
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Behind the four targets there is a circuit board which all sensors are connected and also the transmitter. On the circuit board is the text SmartAsh Rev2b.
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Two AAA batteries are included and provides the circuit board with power. According to the manufacturer they estimates that the batteries will works for about a year or 1 500 000 hits. To change the batteries you need to unscrew the two screws on the target number four, carefully lift up the plate so no weldings will broke and then open the battery cover.
The software
The included USB micro transceiver plugs into a empty USB port (installed automatically) and after that you push on the Power button on the back. The included USB micro transceiver works on Windows and Mac. If you want to use an Ipad or Android (also a unit without USB port) you will need a unit called RangeCloud and this will be sold separately (we have not tested this).
After that you visit the page and change which game you wants to play. You can also download the software so you can play it offline. If you want you can choose so the results will be published on the global score list
For now the software have eight game types; Free play, Target Practice, H-O-R-S-E, Quick Draw, Killer, Sniper Says, SSC style rules and Spartan Crucible, (read more about them on the link to the Score board above). Some of the game types are in BETA. On one target unit you can most be four players and some of the game types requires more than one unit. Because this is a “smart” shooting target can you have multiply SmartAsh 4A connected at the same time and the current software supports up to ten.
You can in the software choose if the target is horizontal or vertical, male or female speaker voice and sound at hit or miss and some other.
Field test
Field test.
The target unit is easy to hang up on a tree, horizontal or vertical with help of the included Bungee cords but remember to power on the unit on the back before.
The software as is used is a webpage. If you have the text cursor in a text field and the target unit register a hit it will write a number, 1-4, due to which plate as is hit. The computer also handled the target unit as a keyboard.
Shooting on a target and observation on the computer screen.
First the hits resulted in a double hit, one the plate that the bb hit and one close to. The problem was solved with help of unscrew the two screws with each target a little, according to the instructions we had got from the manufacturer before if this should appear. After that fix the problem was solved.
According to the manufacturer they have SmartAsh 4A with rubber behind the plate to prevent that wet and moisture can leak into the circuit board (IP65 classified).
About the software so are some game types still in BETA. We like that the sounds from the software are very loud and clear so each player can listen without to watch the computer screen what’s happening and when it’s next players turn and so on. But the program have some lag.
We have also tested how long the distance can be before the target unit and the USB micro transceiver losing its connection. We got a distance on about 30 meters with clear sight. If they losing their connection and any target register a hit it will save them and transmitting when they have connection again.
We cannot see any scratches on the plexiglass from bb’s but between the plates the bb’s can reach the wood frame behind and there occur craters.
SmartAsh 4A is a product we Like!
This product is perfect for practicing target shooting (for example IPSC) alone or with some friends in an entertaining way. Some optimizing of the software and this product is awesome!
SmartAsh 4A is avaible for $199 USD on the manufacturer’s website ( or at some retailers in the USA.
This review is originally written in Swedish by Daniel (Coordinator Product testing) and Johan (Product tester) and some other have been involved with the testing. The manufacturer ShootMyAsh has provided us with this product.