Brand hos RedWolf Airsoft UK

Under kvällen/natten har det brunnit i byggnaden där RedWolf Airsoft i Storbritannien har sin verksamhet (butik och kontor). På grund av omfattningen har verksamheten temporärt stängts ner (fysiska butiken och webshop) och alla kunder hänvisas i stället till Hong Kong-butiken.

Dear friends,

We are sad to inform everyone that our RedWolf UK office and warehouse had a fire on July 12th, 2017. Fortunately no one was hurt, but our UK Office suffered some damage from the fire. Therefore, our RedWolf UK shop as well as online store are temporarily suspended until further notice. For those who wish to purchase our products, please proceed to our main online store to get them.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, but rest assure our UK Team is working hard to get our UK office up and running again so we can better serve everyone. Thank you for your attention.